Join us on this movement journey to open the body, calm the mind and explore the healing gifts of your ancestors.
What are Potential Benefits of Ancestor Work?
Be uplifted and inspired on your journey of healing the intergenerational trauma and negative family patterns in your own life
Clear the way for greater health for your decendents
Tap into the collective wisdom of humankind
Address issues such as depression, anxiety, addition
Receive advice, guidance, support and blessings
After creating sacred space in our bodies and learning three healing Samhain ancestral practices, we’ll open the circle for optional sharing to explore the transformative healing power of community ritual and close with a guided journey to visit a helpful ancient ancestor.
You’re encouraged to bring an object, picture or memory of someone you’ve loved and lost and/or from an ancestor you feel called to connect with, known or unknown.
If you can't attend live, sign up and you’ll receive the recording, excluding the group sharing.
Free for Members
$25 all others
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