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You were born with a vision, a completely unique gift to the cosmic tapestry of creation that is unlike anyone else that has ever lived. This is your medicine for the collective. Conformity is the death of Vision. If you're hiding under an invisible mask, your tribe can't find you, your potential beloved can't find you, money can't find you and your soul work can't find you.
Pleasure is a natural psychedelic that opens a pharmacopeia of delicious hormones connecting us to the direct experience of our true nature as unity, love and joy.
You are every character in the story and
the story is about you.
You, my friend, are a living myth.
How are you holding your heart with gentleness through the inevitable endings of your life? How can you step into deeper trust that Spring always comes after Winter?
How do we reclaim connection to the balanced moods, active sex drive, and graceful aging that are symptoms of a harmonious hormonal cycle?
How do we most effectively take a stand for the health and vitality of our beloved planet?
The answers to these seemingly different questions are actually the same…
What if you could actually achieve your goals through pleasure, in a way that is restful, supported by community and without staying stuck in overwhelm or frying your nervous system? How can we align to the immense creative power + wisdom of the divine feminine?
As a reset button for our body - mind - heart, ritual bathing reminds us that our body is a portal through which our divinity flows when we are in a state deep relaxation.
Want to know what your purpose is? Want to know how to serve this precious world and her people?
What would 2024 look like if you lived from the wisdom of your body instead of old patterns and the voices in your head?
Are you an embodied woman? Juicy, relaxed, centered and powerful. To be an embodied woman is a practice of remembering and a service of healing the planet.
Never underestimate the power of women - we birth the world through our bodies. But how will the feminine change the game?
Not with guns, threats, money or governments but with her Womb.
While the Dark has been vilified in our culture, all of life and love begins in the Dark - a seed in the soil, the birth of stars, a babe in the womb.
Samhain teaches us the root of our magic - to embrace your fears, wounds and the parts of yourself that you keep hidden in the dark. You’re invited to build your toolkit with night vision, your trust in your capacity to weather the storm and to find your strength.
If you're a spiritual woman and you love ancient wisdom, perhaps you've felt like something is missing - something embodied + juicy that supports the emotional complexity of your experience. Most spiritual practices we idealize in the West today were created primarily by men so that they could experience the mystical, visionary currents that women have inherent access to through the processes of mensuration, birth and menopause.
The Circle is Ancient. Your ancestors knew this shape well. Something otherworldly happens when women gather in circle…. The Circle helps us remember so we can heal the wounds of forgetting.
Do you ever hide parts of yourself in order to be liked, accepted or to please others?
This week, my dream is coming true as I head on pilgrimage into an ancient forest high in the White Mountains of Sequoia, home to trees that are among the oldest living beings on earth.
Pure Wild Women energy is raw, sensual and sexy and primal.
Wild Woman shadow is bitchy, addicted and unhappy.
Don’t have time to connect with your wild, animal nature? Make time for her or she will come out in her shadow form.
As Spring awakens the Earth calls us to remember who we are. This is the magic of Imbolc. The rebirth is upon us. We’ve officially become virgins again. Anything is possible.
Seen throughout history on every continent, the Ourosboros is a map out of unnecessary suffering, a signpost towards healing outdated programming and ancestral trauma.
The snake is a symbol of the feminine - mysterious, sensual creature - primal and embodied, able to shed her skin to rebirth herself anew - life giving birth to life.
Until light is rekindled at on the new moon, we are in the dark jungle wilderness of shadow work and self reflection. Watch this video for the Goddess mythology behind the “In Between Life Lounge” + Practice this self reflection ritual to return to alignment with your soul.
We know Gaia’s dance of death and rebirth as the seasons. Our wholeness is nurtured when we are brave enough to say yes to this dance within ourselves. Deepening our relationships to the seasons is the foundation of the embodied mystic path and a pathway to the gifts of deep presence. Enter into the incoming mystery of Fall with the freshness of an open mind and heart.
The foundation of any movement for social change must come from internal shifts first. The most effective way to change the world is to change how we see the world.
Does your life ever feel a bit chaotic?
Nu Kua, the Northern Chinese Goddess who creates order out of chaos lives inside of us all. Let her story awaken you to your greatest healing tools and turn inward to your most powerful healing tools.
Water is the great alchemist that makes all life possible . To honor water is to honor life, sensuality, emotion, intuition, creativity, pleasure and an ancient future. Water is the body of life.
The process of shedding perfection is a process of healing deep cultural wounding and ancestral trauma. The only passage way back to the fullness of the sacred present is by seeing and experiencing this moment, our bodies and ourselves as we actually are. It is in this reunion and remembering that we begin to reclaim our inherent power, magic sauce and joie de vivre.
Whether we have children or not, we’’re all mothers. To mother is to be a channel through which life creates itself. The energy with which we mother carries the seeds not only of our personal future but of the collective future. What are you mothering at this time in your life? What energy are you bringing to your creations?
What if there was a life hack to remind you that your true power comes from within?… Enter Ritual. Small conscious action can remind us that we are magical, wild beings having a human experience, that we are cosmic deities in yoga pants and t-shirts, that we are children of the Earth, that within us lies the power and wisdom to choose the future of our lives and the planet.
Whether we have children or not, we’’re all mothers. To mother is to be a channel through which life creates itself. The energy with which we mother carries the seeds not only of our personal future but of the collective future. What are you mothering at this time in your life? What energy are you bringing to your creations?
Our ancient grandmothers couldn’t have dreamed of our technological accomplishments, but now we are now dreaming of the world of ecological harmony and communal cohesion in which they lived. Perhaps our ancestors can help us….
In my effort to find an anchor point outside of paranoia or denial, practical and intelligent messaging around the body politics of Corona Virus rare. When I find myself complaining about media fear mongering I’m asking myself, how can I be part of the solution rather than just a passive recipients of fear based dialogue? How is this pandemic, like all challenges on our life path, an opportunity to expand our consciousness, investing in immunity rather than fear?
The yogi, or sadhika, is asked to purify, strengthen and refine her unique alchemical vessel, composed of the five elements- Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Space- to stir them together in varying degrees depending on the situation and imbibe this alchemical brew to invoke her own transformation.
Since 11/9, poetry has been saving my life.
It's been pulling me out of bed and dragging me to my altar for morning practice. It's been lulling me to sleep, gently stroking my hair, reassuring me that everything is going to be okay, that I have a purpose here.
Every thought is either a worry or a prayer. In addition to donations, don't forget to offer your greatest resource to Standing Rock: intention.
Physical tension limits our ability to embody peace and therefore, to create social change. When we live from the neck up, our body creates tension. Tension is a lead wall blocking the experience of our interconnection with people who who are different from us. Instead of embodying acceptance, we unconsciously embody fear.
As we begin to organize to cultivate clear-seeing and big picture vision, how we treat our bodies serves as the framework for how we treat each other and our country. Our presence is our greatest resource. We must redouble our effort towards equality by starting with ourselves. A quiet nervous system is the only way we can begin the hero's journey of creatively imagining the yet unimaginable…
The more I've embraced yoga as a physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically transformative lifestyle, the more I've stopped demeaning it by confusing it with a workout (despite the increased strength, muscular balance, the sweat, the sensation of empowerment and the delicious booty that are often lovely side effects).
Can we bring meditation and fitness together?
The body is an alchemical vessel. Everything we do with our physical body affects our energetic body.
Accepting the radical responsibility of living in a body means becoming our own teacher and our own healer. Make feeling good a lifestyle by taking your yoga off the mat and into your life with the help of these six tools.
Putting a small weight on the head is the best way to re-train the spine to rest in a friendly relationship with gravity. If you have to carry on your head it keeps the rest of your spine honest. You get immediate feedback if you are slumping, crunching, flattening or exaggerating your spinal curves.
I'm a little bit of an odd duck at Oaklan'd Impact Hub shared workspace considering I use a laptop tray and separate keyboard, try to stand up, stretch and reset my spine every 15-20 minutes and periodically hold books on my heads as I type to align my spines and lengthen my vertebrae.
What laws of nature, our genetic code and our musculoskeletal structure are we systematically ignoring as a culture? How can we return to a friendly relationship with gravity, trading muscular tension and imbalance for enhanced energy and vitality? There are many populations around the world where human bodies function beautifully, without pain, until the day they die.
How can you use what you’ve gleaned from the Fascia and Yoga Series to enliven and optimize your posture and live more happily in your body? Turn your yoga into bodywork: fascia-fy your practice
How would our lives change if we placed our focus on our inner body as we moved through our practice? How would the yoga world and yoga classes look if we valued the tone of the inner body over the external form of the pose?